With the help of the calculator, you can calculate how much import costs you have to pay for a specific Chinese package in the case of IOSS, SA and normal customs clearance. In all cases, the end result is the sum of VAT + customs administration costs (even if you pay VAT at the time of purchase).
The calculator calculates with the administrative fees valid at Magyar Posta, so the final result applies to the case that Posta delivers the package.
In accordance with Hungarian rules, the customs threshold is calculated based on the amount published by NAV, and the package value is converted every month based on the exchange rate published by the MNB on the penultimate Wednesday of the previous month.
The calculator only calculates the amount of VAT + customs administration, not the value of any customs duties (since this is not very predictable), but it will indicate if customs payments are to be expected. Phones and tablets are duty-free, packages containing other products worth more than 150 euros (HUF 2021 in 54) are in principle subject to duty. However, practice shows that even in this case it is not common that you actually have to pay.
More information on current customs and VAT rules, the IOSS and SA system and other suppliers' pricing they can be found here.
Total value of package ?
Enter the net value of the package (without VAT) even if you have already paid the VAT at checkout! The package value also includes the delivery fee and any insurance fee.
Fee payment method
VAT + customs administration costs:
iOS ?
A reduction in the way of VAT payment can only be used under the value of 150 euros and only if provided by the seller/webshop. The VAT is included in the amount of the order, you settle it at the time of payment, and you only have to pay the administrative fee during the (usually automatic) customs procedure (since you have already paid the VAT at the time of purchase). However, the calculator calculates the VAT + administration fee in this case as well, so that the different VAT payment methods can be compared.
SA ?
An easier way to pay VAT is if the company delivering the package agrees to collect the VAT upon delivery (can only be used below 150 euros). The customs procedure is usually carried out automatically, and the VAT and administration fee must be paid to the delivery company when the package is delivered.
normal customs clearance
+ possible duty*
* Estimated, as shipping and other fees are not taken into account when determining customs duty (but VAT is, so the calculator calculates the total value of the package).
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